Microsoft need to be transparent about customer impacting DDoS attacks

Back in early June 2023, I tracked a botnet DDoS’ing Microsoft, causing serious network outages in Azure and Microsoft 365 for days. I toot’d about it at the time:

At the time, Microsoft didn’t disclose what happened or comment.

Eventually, Associated Press called them out — they dumped out a blog on a Friday night, and nobody I could find from Microsoft security tweeted, LinkedIn etc the blog (which is different from other blogs, that get heavy promo by staff). Not even the official MSFT social media accounts linked it.

The story got buried at a weekend.

Microsoft says early June disruptions to Outlook, cloud platform, were cyberattacks

At the time, I made an image:

Today, I am currently tracking a customer impacting attack on Microsoft, impacting Azure and M365 services, and Microsoft aren’t disclosing what is happening again. It is originating from a botnet again.

Microsoft are saying:

It’s very similar language to last time. I hope customers aren’t offered a blog that isn’t linked anywhere dumped out on a Friday night… again.

Microsoft need to be transparent about customer impacting DDoS attacks was originally published in DoublePulsar on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

This article has been indexed from DoublePulsar – Medium

Read the original article:

30 July 2024
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