The attack, which has been claimed by Anonymous Sudan, has been confirmed to have impacted IT services at the universities of Cambridge and Manchester
20 February 2024

DDoS attacks on two major British universities have been claimed by Anonymous Sudan amid geopolitcal tensions.
20 February 2024

A news outlet reported three million toothbrushes were used in a DDoS attack, but the truth is murky.
09 February 2024
[UPDATED] What's next, malware-infected dental floss? But seriously: It's a reminder that even the smallest smart home devices can be a threat. Here's how to protect yourself.
07 February 2024
[UPDATED] What's next, malware-infected dental floss? But seriously: It's a reminder that even the smallest smart home devices can be a threat. Here's how to protect yourself.
07 February 2024
A widely reported story that 3 million electric toothbrushes were hacked with malware to conduct distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks is likely a hypothetical scenario instead of an actual attack. [...]
07 February 2024
A widely reported story that 3 million electric toothbrushes were hacked with malware to conduct distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks is likely a hypothetical scenario instead of an actual attack. [...]
07 February 2024

A grouping of serious printer bugs, unveiled at last summer's Pwn2Own, were patchless for months, but are finally fixed now.
06 February 2024
What's next, malware-infected dental floss? But seriously: It's a reminder that even the smallest smart home devices can be a threat. Here's how to protect yourself.
06 February 2024
A number of court web systems have been taken offline in the US state of Pennsylvania following a denial of service attack
05 February 2024

A government app experiencing slowdowns on election day could be just the tip of the vote-meddling iceberg for the Asian country. But who's behind it?
18 January 2024
Content delivery provider Cloudflare observed a staggering surge in DDoS attacks against environmental services during COP28
15 January 2024
DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) protection occupies a peculiar spot in cybersecurity. While "newer" threats like AI-enabled cybercrime and the ongoing ransomware spree take up many airwaves, DDoS is relatively stable. For many, it's a known quantity. But this is where the problem lies. DDoS has been around for so long, and companies have been mitigating against it for all this time that a knowledge gap is slowly creeping in. Because things change, bad habits get picked up, or common misconceptions go unchallenged and evolve into full-blown myths. Companies might be ‘protecting’ themselves under false pretenses, so it pays to revisit what…
[Continue Reading]
04 January 2024

By shifting to a more proactive mindset, security professionals and their organizations can blunt the impact of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, if not prevent them altogether.
27 December 2023

NKAbuse, a multi-platform malware written in Go, uses blockchain to ensure anonymity.
15 December 2023

Persistent attack against Blender has been ongoing for days, despite the company doing its best to mitigate it.
23 November 2023
Blender has confirmed that recent site outages have been caused by ongoing DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks that started on Saturday. [...]
22 November 2023
MySQL servers are being targeted by the 'Ddostf' malware botnet to enslave them for a DDoS-as-a-Service platform whose firepower is rented to other cybercriminals. [...]
16 November 2023
DDoS attacks are increasingly taking down even the largest tech companies. Learn more Specops Software on these types of attacks and how you can protect your devices from being recruited into botnets. [...]
16 November 2023
Cado Security Labs said the bot agent exhibited various methods for conducting DDoS attacks
13 November 2023